Monday, December 8, 2008


This painting was made watching that 70's show. It was suppose to have a feeling of 70's decor (Lay off I'm not a graphic designer) Lizzies mom made a rug in high school of trees and a sun (which was why I used trees and a sun) I don't know if it was made in the 70's but I liked the way it looked. So, thanks Chris!

Silly Christians

There is a sign as you travel into Pine Ridge village that reads "Prepare to meet thy God" It has always bugged me. My roommate Allisa informed me that this sign is pretty tame compared to some of the nonsense "Christians" place on there signs, but for some reason this sign drives me nuts. It is an old sign, I can tell because the letters are peeling away, which makes me think that this was the message being brought to Pine Ridge all those years ago. Prepare to meet thy God. It feels to much like a scare tactic to me and doesn't tell anything about the incredible love that God shows us, and that we should be showing to others. If scaring people into heaven is what it's all about. If tracts are a"witnessing tool", If its really all about souls, then why does Jesus preach about how we should be living here and now?

"How hard is it going to be to love our neighbors in heaven?" - Shane Claiborne

Monday, December 1, 2008

Luke 9:58

My favorite painting I have done so far. Yes, I did show Jesus in jeans and dreadlocks, couldn't really tell you why.


When I told my friend Kevin I started painting he asked me if I ever do anything abstract. I really am not even sure what defines abstract but this was my first shot at it. I turned on some music (Sigur Ros) and just went to work.


I had been using the same small canvas over and over, but then I painted a picture that I sent to a friend, and I wasn't ready to try on the big canvas again so I tried a record out as a canvas. It worked fine. This was my first shot on landscape - I guess.


This was the biggest canvas I have used so far so it was a little intimidating. It's pretty simple but I was just thinking alot about love and hate and how sometimes we act out of love externally but inside it's done with wrong intentions. Don't ask me how this painting shows that but it was just my thoughts during the process.


This was just a small thought on human value and beauty. From the looks of the picture of the painting a debate could be made at what I am worse at, taking pictures or painting pictures?

Take 2

This was the second painting, my first one was very similiar but I never took a picture of it. This painting was inspired by a mewithoutYou song that has the lyric "we pray with fingers crossed but You listen patiently anyway"